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Merry Christmas🎄 and a Happy New Year 🎉

Christmas Carol concert, Christmas Market as well as an Elf and Well-being Afternoon.


The start of the week saw us perform our two Christmas Carols Concerts in front of parents, grandparents and the wider community. 

On Wednesday we were able to show off and sell our enterprise products in the Christmas Market. We will be finding out which team made the most profit at the end of the week. 

On Thursday we evaluated our enterprise projects, calculated the profit / loss and took part in a range of craft activities with Mrs Powling and Mrs Antoniou as part of our elf and well-being afternoon. We were also lucky enough to toast marshmallows and have hot chocolate as part of Elf and Well Being Afternoon with Mrs Woodward and Miss Llewellyn. 

May we take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Thank you for your kind gifts and cards. We really do appreciate them. 

Stay safe,

We look forward to seeing you in the New Year.

Miss Llewellyn, Mrs Antoniou and Mr Thomas.