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Newsletter: WB 15.01.2024

What the Ladybird Heard

This week we read the story 'What the Ladybird Heard'. We had a news flash from the BBC telling us that Lanky Len and Hefty Hugh were in the area looking to steal the Llangan robin. We had a job to do and had to create WANTED posters to tell everyone the news. We based our learning around the book, and iced biscuits, role played in the police station, re-enacted the story on the farm, put spots on the ladybird, created ladybird hats, made CVC words of farm related animals/objects... Our learning hasn't stopped. We also started learning about our topic, 'Where We Live' and talked about how we live on planet Earth, Europe, U.K., Wales, Llangan and then tried to learn the first line of our address in case we ever got lost and needed to tell a police officer. We have loved our learning this week!