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WB 11.03.24

This week we read the story 'There's a Dragon in Your Book!' by Tom Fletcher. We thought about the egg that had arrived at school and discussed what could be inside it. We drew pictures of our ideas and labelled them, before writing stories in attempt to get the egg to hatch. From this, we started to write a newspaper report to let all of Llangan community know what had happened. The nursery children discussed their ideas.

Nursery have also  started RWInc writing in their books. They had to make a 'Maisie Mountain, Mountain' for their challenge - they did an amazing job! 

We have all been learning our doubles to 8 (some to 10 and beyond). We've had so much fun learning our doubles song - ask us to sing it to you, you won't be disappointed!

We have also been continuing our 'Cynefin' topic. We have designed maps of the local area and discussed people who help us.

We've had a fantastic week!