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Plaza Learning we 09.02.24

Outdoor Learning, multiplication, division, newspaper report writing, Dwr Cymru workshops and Cowbridge Fire Fighters visit. 

It was a very busy last week of term! 

In outdoor learning we independently built dens, potted our cabbage seedling and started prep for potato planting. 

In Maths we continued to work on our multiplication skills and began to learn how to divide using the bus stop method. We will continue this after half term. 

In Literacy we have been working hard on our newspaper reports and our extended writing pieces about our Cynefin. 

We have been lucky enough to invite visitors into our classroom this week. We enjoyed our Dwr Cymru workshop on Monday and it was fascinating to learn about fire safety and the job of a fire fighter on Friday. 

We wish you all a lovely half term break! 

Eisteddfod home tasks can be found on our website home work page and Google classroom.